Mael Hilléreau wrote:
> Well, then the UI is IMO already unintuitive. We have two separate actions:
> 1) Edit the external file;
> 2) Edit graphics properties (i.e. how LyX must use the external file).
> Despite they're both related to graphics, these two functionalities are
> clearly distinct. 

Agreed. That's why I think Jean-Marcs proposal is the way to go.

> But in order to do 1), the user has to do 2) before. I 
> thought that closing the dialog wouldn't be _perfect_, but at least better
> than the current behavior.

Here is where we disagree.

> BTW, note that when you click on the "Load" button in the "Child document"
> dialog, this dialog in automatically closed!! ...whereas there are also a
> "Close" and an "Ok" button in this dialog!
> Isn't that running counter to a predictable behavior?? ;-)

Yes, it is. And it's an ui bug IMHO. Thanks for pointing that out.
Attached is a patch that fixes this. OK to commit?

The proper solution here would as well be to take this function out of the 
dialog and provide it via context menu. But we don't have this possibility 

Index: src/frontends/qt4/QInclude.cpp
--- src/frontends/qt4/QInclude.cpp	(Revision 18981)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/QInclude.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -326,7 +326,6 @@
 	if (isValid()) {
 		string const file = fromqstr(dialog_->filenameED->text());
-		slotOK();

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