John Levon wrote:
On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 03:24:54PM +0100, Stephen Cornell wrote:
I checked to see how other programs behave in this context, and Word, Pages, and NeoOffice simply switched to the already-open (and possibly edited) document without comment. Maybe that's the correct behaviour? You can always close it without saving if you want to revert to an older version.
Also fine (and, temptingly, less code).
I'll make my previous suggestion again: Switch to the open document, but then (if the document is dirty) issue the "Do you want to revert?" message. A bit more code, but I think it could be confusing to switch to a document that wasn't the same as the one on disk that you thought you were opening.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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