Andre Poenitz wrote:

> Why do we need the dispatch mechanism for calls into the kernel?

It is not needed, but it simplifies the code. For example, take the label
dialog: Renaming a label is more than just changing some inset parameter,
because some references might be changed, and some global lists need to be
updated. Of course you could define a kernel API function that the label
dialog needs to call when it is finished. But why would you want to do that
if exactly the needed functionality is already available through the
dispatch mechanism? Then the dialog simply fires the lfun and does not need
to know at all what that triggers, and the logic for changing labels is
kept in one place.
Or take the proper enabling/disabling of the OK button. I solved this
problem centrally by reusing getStatus(), which is part of the dispatch
mechanism. Do you want to implement this logic in each dialog individually?

> The lyxserver is used only for a few very specific functions. We can
> have a separate entrypoint for them.

But why would you want a second entry point? Until now I see only
theoretical advantages of not using the dispatch mechanism ("it is the same
app so it ought to use a direct API and not some string stuff"). Remember
that we assume a serialization that does not cost any implementation
effort. Speed is not an issue either since we are talking about stuff that
depends on user interaction.

> Even if there was a three line solution for that problem (and there is
> actually, Q_DECLARE_METATYPE + QVariant::fromValue + QVariant::value)
> it's probably nothing I'd suggest to use as "direct access" to the
> kernel does not sound wrong.

It is certainly not wrong, but it results in code that is more error prone,
because you need to maintain a second interface and/or repeat some logic in
the dialogs.

> Reality check: How do you access libc functions? By serializing calls
> to dup2 or fork? Nah...

Come on, I am not proposing to serialize pixels for drawing. There is
nothing wrong with direct access for this kind of stuff. I am talking about
communication between dialogs and the kernel. How often do you use libc
functions as a backend to some dialog that gathers the function parameters
from users?


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