Bo Peng wrote:
Let us put it in this way: people wants different emph styles that are
commonly provided as bold and italics (or emph, or additionally
\underline) by other word processors . Lyx has emph but not bold, and
that is confusing and inconvenient (I am talking about toolbar/menu,
not shortcuts). To new users, lyx has ONLY one emph style.

As an interim solution for 1.5, why not add a button which does "bold", but which is called "strong" --- same as we have a button which does "italics" (yes, I know that technically it's \emph, but most users --- especially those new to LyX/latex --- think of it as italics) but is called "emph".

I think that that's simple enough for users who just want "bold" and "italics", but just different enough to convey to those same users the message that LyX is about logical (emphasis, strong) rather than physical/typographical (bold, italics). Obviously, one of the most FAQ will be: "how do I get bold/italic"? and of course the answer should be: use strong/emph, with a short explanation about LyX's concepts of logical rather than physical document-processing. [And I guess that if this is done, the keybindings should also be adapted accordingly: no more Ctrl-B, but rather Ctrl-S --- or whatever --- for strong.]

Longer term, Character Styles and true Logical Markup are definitely the way to go IMO, but see my thoughts on that in a separate message.


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