On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 10:30:47PM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:

> There's also the question how all of this gets written to a LyX file. 
> Especially once we're doing XML, it'll be essential that everything be 
> properly nested (unless each character is supposed to be written with 
> all of its associated formatting information, which is insane). Insets 
> are a natural correlate to that, because they nest. This does NOT mean 
> that they have to appear to the user as insets, only that the underlying 
> data structure nests properly.

However, insets imply all sorts of things about cursor movement and
mouse placement. Unless things in this area got *massively* cleaned up
since I last looked at the code, getting correct cursor movement with
char-ranges-as-insets will not be easy.


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