Martin Vermeer wrote:
Actually I came to more or less the same view.


- Noun should become an inset charstyle (lyx2lyx)
- Strong should take a similar slot as Emph, i.e.
  a (non-inset) "font" attribute.


- Code should be an inset charstyle. Something either
  is, or isn't, code. Objective meaning.

Sounds like a plan?
I could certainly support that plan. And if there's strong reason to put code in the other box, then that can easily enough be done. And of course, each of us can have whatever charstyles s'he wants, anyway, since these are user-definable.

And I don't think myself that this is "do nothing and hope for the best". There's a reasonably clear distinction between the charstyle case and the char-range case, one rooted not only in semantics but in use-related considerations, which seem largely to supervene on the semantic ones. (For me, URL is the best case.) People from both sides of this discussion have pretty much converged on that understanding---me, Martin, Dov, and JMarc, anyway---with the sole remaining issue (at the moment) being where `code' goes. That suggests it's common ground, which it is nice to see.

That it happens, as I said, to mean less work than either of the competing proposals is just a side benefit, though a pretty dang welcome one. I definitely have other things I'd rather do.


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