On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, R. Lahaye wrote:

> Allan Rae wrote:
> > This then leaves us with a new "Open..." that can create a new named
> > document (emacs style) and which should/must popup the new "New from
> > Template..." popup.  (That is, the new "Open..." is really a slightly
> > better version of the old "New...")
> "Open" opens an existing document! Isn't a class/template already
> defined inside an existing document? Why must it popup a "New from
> Template"?

An emacs-style "Open", as discussed earlier in this thread, allows you to
open a non-existent named file. In which case a "New from Template" would
be appropriate.  If the file already exists the file is opened.

> Could the following layout be suitable:
> File->New
>       New from template 
>       Open
>       ---
> [...]
> New:               Use "invalid" filename; when saved, call
>                    automatically 'Save as...'.
> New from template: This should do, as you explained in earlier emails.
> Open:              Collapse "Open" and "Import". Open according to file
>                    extension: .lyx, .tex, .txt, .nw, .doc are opened as
>                    you expect.
>                    Does .txt input need a "as lines/as paragraph" popup?

                        If the file named doesn't exist the proceed as for
                        "New from Template" using the filename supplied
                        so long as it's a lyx file.

Allan. (ARRae)

P.S.  Still confused?

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