
As a long weekend is approaching here I think it would be a good time to start the integration of my dynamic macros into trunk. I think my patch is in a reasonable state right now that it makes sense to commit it.

I was testing the dynamic macros for two weeks in real life to prepare exercise sheets and solutions for a lecture, with heavy use of macros to build proof trees. Everything was stable and usable. So I have confidence that it will be fine when committed now.

I would like to start with the integration on Thursday morning and would be available the whole day to fix issues (if anything comes up).

@Uwe: Will you take care of the format changes? Did you see my documentation I posted some time ago? Is it enough? I guess the lyx2lyx extension should come before the commit of my patch?


* The updated patch: http://1stein.org/download/dynmacro16.patch
* The documentation: http://1stein.org/download/dynmacro.pdf

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