Darren Freeman ha scritto:
just in the generated output, you would be suggesting a basic embedded
spreadsheet within LyX..
Exactly. I was of course thinking of a way to latexify the connections
among numbers, rather than simply calculating them in LyX. So that,
after export LaTeX -> reimport, the spreadsheet would still work.
And, needless to say, I felt so stupid when, while writing my last paper,
I was so afraid of having not only to update a few numbers within a
couple of tables, but also to update some totals around (both in the
table, and in the text). I confess I missed the spreadsheet embedding
feature of other editors.
 given the state of tables in LyX, I'm just
happy that they seem to work a lot of the time :)

Try to add a column to the end of a table and see the double cell
border. Or delete the last column and get no border. Hilarious.
Yeah, I use to fix those borders manually (it is displayed double
because it is both e.g. at the bottom of a cell and at the top of
the cell immediately below -- guess you know). Don't even know
if it reflected in the preview(s).


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