Helge Hafting ha scritto:
You get the preview "for free" if we set up conversion all the way
from .gnumeric to .eps (via .tex).
Just tried, but doesn't work. I patched lib/configure.py as in the
attachment, where the converter is the attached script. When
I use "Insert->graphics...", and I specify a ".gn" file, it crashes.

(of course I'm in an attempt to build-up something usable for the
very next papers I'm going to write, waiting for LyX 1.6.+ with
some Insert-support for such things).
I was thinking of only converting to .tex, and have LyX include
the generated .tex file directly. This has several advantages:
Perfectly agree. This is absolutely the way to do it.

* gnumeric exports the spreadsheet as a longtable. If you make
  a .eps, then this is limited to a single page. And you'll get
  one big figure that cannot be broken across pages. (This is
  sometimes a problem when there are more figures than text).

  A longtable imported as .tex have no such problems. It can
  start anywhere on the page because it will be broken, and
  it can go on for many pages - again because it supports
  page breaking.

* Importing gnumeric as a longtable means that style choices in
  LyX (font etc.) can affect the longtable layout. Using eps means
  LyX cannot affect the output in any way.

* Finally, longtables work equally well with all the latex exporters,
  i.e. both latex and pdflatex.

"No automatic preview" seems to be the only disadvantage of importing .tex Now, of course a preview is possible anyway because we can specify a different
converter for previewing.

Helge Hafting

Index: lib/configure.py
--- lib/configure.py	(revisione 21533)
+++ lib/configure.py	(copia locale)
@@ -241,6 +241,9 @@
     checkViewer('a FEN viewer and editor', ['xboard -lpf $$i -mode EditPosition'],
         rc_entry = [r'\Format fen        fen     FEN                    "" "%%"	"%%"	""'])
+    checkViewer('a Gnumeric viewer and editor', ['gnumeric'],
+        rc_entry = [r'\Format gn         gn      gn                     "" "%%"	"%%"	"vector"'])
+    #
     path, iv = checkViewer('a raster image viewer', ['xv', 'kview', 'gimp-remote', 'gimp'])
     path, ie = checkViewer('a raster image editor', ['gimp-remote', 'gimp'])
     addToRC(r'''\Format bmp        bmp     BMP                    "" "%s"	"%s"	""
@@ -409,6 +412,9 @@
         addToRC(r'\converter lyxpreview png        "python -tt $$s/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.py"	""')
         addToRC(r'\converter lyxpreview png        ""	""')
+    #
+    checkProg('a Gnumeric to EPS converter', ['gnumeric2eps.sh $$i $$o'],
+        rc_entry = [ r'\converter gn         eps        "%%"	""' ])
     checkProg('a fax program', ['kdeprintfax $$i', 'ksendfax $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter ps         fax        "%%"	""'])

Attachment: gnumeric2eps.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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