> The menus may need to have entries renamed to suit GNOME (or other
> desktops) and such.  The bindings for the menus are in the .ui files.
> So you see gnome.ui is probably the one to work on.  There may be other
> bindings needed but these aren't likely to be common to other GNOME apps.
> Does GNOME specify a binding for the equivalent of "layout standard" for
> example?

Sure! But IMO we can have more than one keybinding for the same function
if it's not overlaying. So View Postscript could still be Ctrl-T as I now
use with cua-bindings.

> Thai-style, stir-fried beef with egg noodles.

Not to bad, a pitty we don't have Thai restaurants here in Bolzano.

>> One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan
>> is that there never was a plan in the first place.
> Uh oh!  You've found me out!

Well I guess it happend without plan #:O)



Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450296
I-39100 Bozen           Web:     http://www.sad.it/~jug


If man is only a little lower than the angels, the angels should reform.
                -- Mary Wilson Little

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