>  Lastly, if we extract to a special folder
>  $DOC_PATH/Lyx.Embed.Abs/abs/path, we do not really need to change the
>  inset.

Let me clarify this. Say we have /usr/var/blah.log in the bundle,
saved using inzipName Lyx.Embed.Abs/usr/var/blah.log. During
unbundling, focusing on the cases of extracting to the document
directory, the file will be extracted as
$DOC_PATH/LyX.Embed.Abs/usr/var/blah.log. The inset (and the .lyx
file) is changed accordingly. This unbunbled version will work as
usual. When this file is saved in bundled mode again,
LyX.Embed.Abs/usr/var/blah will be saved as /usr/var/blah.log. That is
to say, bundle and unbundle will also be reversible in this case.

It is easy to explain this to our users: LyX uses a special
representation for out of tree files because lyx does not write out of
the document directory for security purposes.


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