Bo Peng wrote:
I do not really understand why you need to create several unknown
layouts. Each textclass should have its own.

Currently, I extend a standard textclass such as article when it is
applied to another document. This extended layout list is then
available when a standard article is created. The problem here is that
I do not track which document these 'unknown' layouts belongs to.

I think maybe you're extending the wrong thing, then. The extended layouts should go into the DocumentClass object associated with the Buffer, rather than into the LayoutFile object. I think that will "just work".

I've added some comments to TextClass.h to try to clarify some of the architecture here. Basically, both LayoutFile and DocumentClass are based upon TextClass. The former represents a *.layout file; this is used as a basis for constructing DocumentClass objects that are associated with a given Buffer. These are supposed to be unchanging, more or less, since they're shared among open Buffers---though they can be reloaded from disk via LFUN_LAYOUT_RELOAD.

It is the DocumentClass that is document-specific. The DocumentClass is created by BufferParams::makeDocumentClass, where it (a) copies the relevant LayoutFile object, (b) adds information from modules, and (c) adds document-specific layout---held in BufferParams::local_layout and read from the header of the LyX file. DocumentClass objects are therefore more "dynamic"---though this is kind of an illusion because they don't really change. If you add a new module, then the old DocumentClass object gets discarded and replaced by a new one. (In fact, the old one is kept in memory, since there might be things in the cut stack that need it. But it's no longer associated with a Buffer.)

Now, you might think there's a problem here. Suppose we add the unknown layout information to the DocumentClass. Then we add a new module, and a new DocumentClass gets created. What happens to the unknown layout information? Doesn't it get discarded with the old DocumentClass? Yes, but when the new DocumentClass is created, we call updateLayout(), just as if we'd changed the underlying layout file, and then the unknown layout info should be recreated.

This has real advantages. Suppose I have a document with one unknown layout. But I have a module that has that layout in it, so I load the module, and then when we do updateLayout(), the new layout from the module takes effect automagically. Since modules can be modified on the fly, you could even write the new layout into an existing module and then reload.

But if it seems worth keeping a list of unknown layouts and not relying upon updateLayout() here---and that may be a good idea---you could do that in BufferParams and then, in makeDocumentClass(), add any that don't now exist. Viz, at the end of that routine:
   vector<string>::const_iterator en = unknown_layouts_.end();
   vector<string>::const_iterator it = unknown_layouts_.begin();
   for (; it != en; it++)
And then:
   bool BufferParams::addLayoutIfUnknown(string lay)
      if (doc_class_.hasLayout(lay))
      if (find(unknown_layouts_.begin(), unknown_layouts_.end(), lay) !=
Or something like that.


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