On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Konrad Hofbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This error means that the (mac-specific) LinkBack stuff does not get
> re-compiled for PPC. The linker only finds the Intel stuff (even though you
> are compiling for PPC) and complains.
> Could it be that distclean misses to delete the LinkBack stuff?
> You could try to re-start from a fresh tar-ball after compiling Intel
> (instead of a make distclean) to see if that is the problem.

That doesn't help: I get the same error.

> Do you send me the build script you use right now?

Here's the relevant part:

export CFLAGS="-arch ppc"
export CXXFLAGS="-arch ppc"
export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -arch ppc"
./configure --prefix="$LyxAppDir" --with-version-suffix=-1.6
--with-qt4-dir="$QtInstallDir" --without-aiksaurus --without-aspell
--without-pspell --enable-optimization=-Os --without-x
--with-included-gettext --host=ppc-apple-darwin8.8.1
make -j3

This means that as of now, I cannot produce a universal binary.


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