
"for the sake of hig-ness" - I guess that means I am higgy? Quite possible. :-)

About the open/close windows, tabs, etc., and independent of the menue discussion, I don't quite get what does what (esp. the "Close tab group"). Should that not be a simple "Close tab"-functionality?

leuven edwin wrote:
but let's see:

attached the reworked menu, following most of your suggestions

Looks very higgy. :)

But there is a View menu everywhere - in the XP HIG, Vista
HIG, Apple HIG, Wordpad, Office 2003, ...

so now possibly also soon in lyx...

Don't refuse just because you don't like it.

that's what all religious nutcakes say, but...

...as a proof of my openmindedness, see attached

Open All Insets
Close All Insets
note that this is document specific.
I did not know that, I see know. It should not be like this
(i.e. Inset states should be independent in multiple views
IMO), but this is another topic...

collapsed status is also saved in the document (like it or not), so i have put 
this in the file menu for now.

Conceptually one can argue for one or the other.
But just because something is stored in the document, does not mean it needs to be in the File-menu. IMO (!!! -> don't care about it!) I would still see it as a classical element of the View-Menu. That it also affects the appearance in other windows (not just the current), well ... too bad.

*** Navigate ***
Except: A second level of sub-menus is forbidden. (p.174)
Suggestion: Just put all the lists on the first level (and
group them with a spearator), with the items in the sub-menu.
this will result in menu which is very long. try this with the user
I see. Try it with Intro.lyx, and it looks odd.

not sure what you mean. another thing is that this is hardcoded so it's 
probably not going to change soon.

Right. It is OK as it is right now, I would say.

then again, we could still consider the following:

in fact, i would drop this navigate menu. the navigation
panel is much more convenient.

Personally, I never use the Navigate-Menu in 1.5 at all, so I would not miss it. But don't know what other people do ...

we could think of a adding a navigate toolbar with buttons
for next section, note, table and the bookmarks...

Sounds good to me!

But then let us call the Note-submenu something different (Comment ?).
Because the "Greyed Out" does show in the output. Also, we
should unify the naming of this three Comment items.

i never use this, perhaps others have suggestions?

How about
Comment >
  LyX Comment
  LaTeX Comment
  Printed Comment (or Typeset Comment)

Please decide on how you want to proceed:
a) based on what you think makes most sense (i.e. what you like) OR
b) based on a holy-bible-HIG.

that still open for discussion i suppose, and not only up to us. but thanks for 
your input.

so the attached has a view menu for the sake of hig-ness, but note it is *very* 
empty. it has only 2 items: toolbars and fullscreen. as far as i am concerned 
we would put these in the application menu and be done with it.

According to HIG, Split Left/Right and Split Top/Bottom clearly belong into View, not Window, I would suppose. (And with the Open/Close Insets discussed above, the Menu size would be just right.)

About the "Application"-menu:
I am not sure if what I see here (on the Mac) is what you meant me to see, and how it looks on windows/linux. Historically (and currently, and hopefully also in the future), the Mac has a few commands in a LyX-menu (augmented by other commands from the OS), that affect the application. That should be:
1) About LyX
2) Preferences
3) Reconfigure
4) TeX Information (that could be in Windows though)
5) Quit

I do NOT think we should have a similar "Application" menu on windows/linux, but but 1) in Help, and 5) at the bottom of the File menu (I think every windows and gnome app has that). 2) 3) 4) are problematic. Gnome has the Preferences always in the Edit-Menu. I would probably put 2) 3) 4) into the File menu at the bottom, but I can see why one would object.

An "Application" menu, is that frequently done in other apps?

for the rest it is a BIG improvement on the current menu i think.

Very much agreed! I hope some others will look at it, too!


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