Konrad Hofbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I only followed the discussion with an eye. Could some nice soul point
>> me to the relevant HIG part?
> That is my job ;-) 

It would be nice to start a wiki page with links to the apple (or
vista or...) HIGs for the different parts of the menus.

> but I disagree here. In my interpretation of the HIG it belongs into
> View: "The View menu provides commands that affect how users see a
> window’s content; it does not provide commands to select specific
> document windows to view or to manage a specific document window.
> Commands to organize, select, and manage windows are in the Window
> menu."

Personally, I would put it in edit.

> And about the discussion if we should merge View and Window - menu:
> Every application I seen on my desktop, all Apple apps, all Mozilla
> apps, OpenOffice, Word 2003 (on XP), ... have a View AND a WINDOW
> menu, and there is a rationale behind it.
> Neither Word, OO or any of my Text-Editors has a Document-menu.

I would be nice to dig the old thread concerning the current menu
structure. John Levon had a pretty through analysis of Higs at the


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