> > Maybe, it is a HIG interpretation thing, but I'm seriously doubting 
> > that the HIG says that content-related stuff like the "Document
> > must be in the File menu.
> Correct. (but I still think it is the right place)
> > Things like page setup do not influence the content of the document
> > any way, besides how it is printed.
> > 
> > This also holds for the Statistics item, it is really not just a
> > statistic. It is something that is used while generating content, 
> > something that influences whether I can add another sentence to the 
> > abstract or not. It also counts words in a selection. So, it is not 
> > really a file statistic.
> Indeed. (But you could say the same for Document. IMO File and
> is the same thing.)

Well, I just wanted to make a distinction between content-related and
content-unrelated items. (And I chose Document, because LyX has already
a Document menu and I do care about legacy, see below)

> > Last, I agree that it is a good approach to look at independent, 
> > well-thought HIGs, ...
> Can this be our main-line-of-argumentation?
> I think it is the only way how to come up with something consistens.
> > For example, LyX users are used to
> > having a Document->Settings... Item. They will be disturbed if they 
> > have to look for one of the most important menu items.
> IMO - no, no, no. If we start to care about legacy, nothing good 
> will come out.

Again, I do care about legacy; LyX deserves its own identity (in case of

> 1) Can you please define what the Document menu is good for (in a 
> future-compatible abstract way)? Any HIG?

Can't, guilty as charged.

> 2) You are on Windows? The list of things you gave for your "Document"

> menu is mostly what Word and friends have as "Tools" menu? In fact, 
> such a Tools menu is part of the XP/Vista HIG. So if we have such a 
> group of things, let us at least call it "Tools". We start to mix 
> HIG's though.

Indeed, adjusting interpretation, deviating slightly as not everything
might be captured in the HIG, and the legacy thing of course.

As for the File menu, I can reason the same for the Edit menu... (and
you might look in the HIG whether this is true/false or open for
interpretation). Besides the Change tracking and Spellchecker items, all
items in the Edit menu are only pure 'management'-like items. These
items have nothing to do with what is being edited, only moving around
chunks of text/images/newlines/insets/etc.
        In contrary, the Spellchecker look at what is being processed,
whether it is spelled correctly. The Thesaurus look at how the user
could say it differently, maybe better, maybe enrichening the language
use of the writer. 
        Last, change tracking displays (maybe) another opinion of
another author, it represents enhancements. IMO it is much more than
administration (but this might be discussable).

- Statistics / Document Settings may be moved somewhere else, because
they are content-related,
- Spellchecker / Thesaurus may be moved, because they relate to the
content of the text that is being processed.

And because the common divisor of these problem cases is that they are
content-related, I put them together in a content-related-menu aka
Document menu (from the viewpoint of legacy I think this is a good name,
but this might be discussable.)

That's my reason for the Document menu. 

What if the HIG doesn't have the correct place for these items...?

> /Konrad


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