Thanks for all this input.

I'm going to try and summarise it all and so define what the new InsetNote 
should do.

1. It should be a collapsable inset.

2. It should output nothing to Ascii, Linuxdoc or DocBook. Don't argue here. 
We can always change later!!!!!!!!!

3. People have suggested a single inset with three different possible outputs 
to LaTeX
        a. No output
        b. %LyXNote% This is a comment
        c. Use the LaTeX comment environment:
                        This is a comment

        If appears to me that (b) and (c) are functionally identical. Jean-Marc 
suggests that the LaTeX machinery of (c) is relatively large. I know nothing!

4. Output to LyX
        \begin_inset Note some text

        Presumably this could be almost identical to the current output. Something 
additional about LaTeX output.

5. We need some method of toggling between the three LaTeX output states. As 
the left mouse button opens the inset, this leaves the right mouse button. 
Jürgen seems very against using this to toggle between states, so RMB will 
launch a (very small) dialog containing only a "choice of output" menu. No 
"Ok" or "Cancel" buttons are needed, I think. (Now I think of it, haven't I 
just defined a context-sensitive menu form?)


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