
I've been talking to two persons (Alex and Max) about translations of the web site. The original reason for Alex was to set up a Hungarian site, which is why he wanted to be able to mirror the main site. It's now possible to actually mirror our site, but Alex also intends to translate it first.

For that reason, I'm working with Alex on setting up a Hungarian translation of the web site, and Alex is doing the work on our web site in the group called 'WebHu'. So in practice, Alex is creating translated versions of the web pages that go into a new wiki group, WebHu. You can for instance see http://www.lyx.org/WebHu.Home.

Another person, Max, was interested in doing a German translation. We'll see if he's still interested.

I've got a good idea of how to do the backend of the translated web pages, it's actually relatively simple. The hungarian version of a page


is simply translated into the paeg WebHu.<PageX>. If there's a German version, it'll be translated into the page WebDe.<PageX>.

It is then possible to add markup to for instance the sidebar, so that if the current (english) page is available in another language, a link to the translated page appears.

In fact, the only real issue is if it's a good idea have this link in the sidebar, or if we should have flags at the bottom of the page, or something else. So eventually I'll come and ask for opinions on how to display this thing.

This page will display which pages have been translated.


If people have good reasons for why we should discourage translations of the web pages, now is good time to give them.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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