Richard Heck wrote:
>> David Raymond wrote:
>>> I notice that going from lyx 1.5.7 to 1.6.1 the keyboard shortcut
>>> "Alt+C B" has changed from \mathbf to \boldsymbol.  This means, for

ctrl+b should work in the same way as in 1.5

>>> instance, that latin characters become bold italic rather than just
>>> bold.  Mostly when I want to use bold in math, it is plain bold
>>> rather than bold italic.  It would be nice to either revert 1.6
>>> to 1.5 behavior in this regard, or to provide separate keyboard
>>> shortcuts for \mathbf and \boldsymbol.
> There was a long, and somewhat heated, discussion about this at some point, 
> and I can't remember why it was decided to do it the way it is done.

the decission was to keep the usage of ctrl+b in the same way as it is in 1.5
and for bold italics let ctrl+alt+b. the main reason was that most people
used it this way, and it would disturb longstanding user habits. the cons
was little logically inconsistent behaviour and some problems with greek.

this mail shows we have probably missed some other shortcut(?)


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