American Meteorological Society journals use bold roman for vectors.
However, the option outlined by Uwe works for me. -- Dave Raymond

PS -- The bold Greek symbols in \boldsymbol are helpful, so the
shortcut for that is welcome also.

Uwe Stöhr writes:
 >  > I notice that going from lyx 1.5.7 to 1.6.1 the keyboard shortcut
 >  > "Alt+C B" has changed from \mathbf to \boldsymbol.  This means, for
 >  > instance, that latin characters become bold italic rather than just
 >  > bold.
 > This is correct. Latin letters are in formulas by default
 > italic. So when you make an italic letter bold, it becomes of
 > course bold italic.
 > We also provide a shortcut for \mathbf, see the shortcuts section
 > of LyX's preferences. You can there also change the existing
 > shortcuts or define new ones.
 > regards Uwe

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