Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
> Thanks for the notification. I'm not sure all related bugs have the
> "component" field properly set, however I can check these things when

on contrary i think most of them is correct. i have tried to improve
things in trac last weeks.

> I'm back home (now I'm on too low/high-cost bandwidth)
>>> I think the performance of this feature is acceptable for a release.     
>> yes. i just tried some tests here and i agree that as far as the speed is
>> concerned the situation is much better than last time i played with it.
> Now there is a "two-steps hierarchical search": the matching paragraph
> is found first, then the exact position is found next. The resulting
> performance is at risk only if we have long documents all written within
> some special inset, e.g., sometimes I co-edited documents in which all
> of the main contents was within a single table cell. Also, a
> multi-paragraph search is not considered of interest as of now (in fact,
> typing [Enter/Return] while typing within the Find... WorkArea triggers
> the "Find Next" button, and [Shift+Enter/Return] triggers the "Find
> Previous" button (and similar thing happens while typing in the Replace
> WorkArea). However, it is not disabled, because you can always paste
> multiple paragraphs in those WorkAreas.

i must admit i have never tried to digg much inside your machinery, so
dont really understand why searhing only the matching paragraph and not
directly the exact place is more speedy. to me it looks quite mysterious
even how you are able to match more hierarchically-nested insets which
we are able now if i understand correctly... :)

> On a related note, I don't know why the "C-S-f" short-cut does not
> appear in the menu', like it happens for the "C-f" one. Any clue ?

looks like a bug in our machinery. worth to report it in trac.

>> - the insert->regexp in insert menu should be there? we are overcrowding 
>> this menu
>>   and this is not common inserted inset. also i doubt this should be 
>> inserted into
>>   normal buffer. if its only into findindg dialog we should put in there.
> For now, this action is already enabled only within Find/Replace
> WorkAreas, and disabled in the document WorkArea (however, you can
> always copy&paste regexp insets from Find/Replace WAs into the document
> WA :-) ). An alternative I'm thinking of (and I'd really appreciate your
> comment on this), is a "Regexp/Find&Replace" toolbar, containing the
> "Insert empty regexp" and all the other commonly used regexps, that
> automatically shows up when selecting the Find WA (this would free the
> "Match..." combo space from the F&R panel)

my opinion would be to put all those icons directly inside find dialog.
the same with the current regexp menu entry...
second possibility would be indeed toolbar with auto-show status.

>> - i see currently many undo warnings in the console.
> The fix I proposed a few days ago was suppressing those warnings, but it
> was not actually correct, so this issue is still under investigation.

no problem

>> - some layout work in designer would be needed, so that the two buffers
>>   are resized to bigger ones when the dialog is resized too...
> I think I exhausted all of the possible policies (to Expadning) in
> designer-qt4, and the horizontal behaviour should be correct (can you
> check, please ?). So I guess the problem (for the vertical expansion) is
> somewhere-else, where the height of the dialog is forced despite
> whatever I set into the ".ui" files.

the magical commands here are Form->Lay Out ...
until one set this, the auto resize wont happen. i have quick look
on your dialog and it looks like this command smash your layout
which is most probably because you have not correctly set parents
of components. be equipped with some beer before playing with designer
layouts, its usually hard and lengthy fight (at least for me :)

> What is the "CT" toolbar ?

change tracking 

>> - consider adding 'all manuals' into the scope. it would solve one 
>> longstanding issue
> I've added the option (disabled, scopes are not implemented yet),
> however there is a difference w.r.t. other options, in that the manuals
> are not necessarily open.


btw from tommorow i'm offline and except short intermittence in sept it should
remain so till oct.


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