Attached is a patch adding a Languages tab to FormPreferences. (Also one or 
two miscellaneous bits.)

Below is a list of all the lyxrc variables that are not yet set by 
FormPreferences. I've grouped some of them in the tabs that they'll end up 
being set in.

Colours Tab
        Ability to set colours of background, text, notes etc.


        string fax_command; ***** Are these still needed?
        string phone_book;
        string fax_program;



What to do with individual bind keys?
Eg \bind "Delete" "delete-backward"
\bind "F12" "language french"

What about the following stuff. Is it all still needed? Where to put it?

        /// ???????????
        bool pdf_mode;
        /// postscript interpreter (in general "gs", if it is installed)
        string ps_command;
        /// option for telling the dvi viewer about the paper size
        string view_dvi_paper_option;
        /// DPI of monitor.
        float dpi;
        /// ??????????
        bool auto_number;
        /// Do we have to use a GUI?
        bool use_gui;

Any/all feedback welcomed. Especially if you have any ideas on how to enter 
arbitrary numbers of converter functions, viewers or bind keys!!!



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