> I'm not responsible for the new tabular Apply/OK scheme. As you say, the
> problem lies within this scheme, we need to revert this scheme not
> aprticular table feature. We have much more new table features that suffer
> from this scheme, see
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/6997
> I committed the multirow feature before the Apply scheme was introduced and
> are disappointed that you see me guilty that multirow doesn't work yet
> perfectly with this scheme.

I don't think we are talking about who is guilty and who is not
(because we know Abdel ruined it ;)).

However, you introduced a new feature, multirows, and then report bug
#6985, #6958, #6999 and then you see that you don't like the apply
scheme and you report bug #6998, #6997, #7001 and then also bug #7000
for the quite related multicolumn feature.

So, wouldn't it be logical that you first try to fix the multirow bugs
and possibly the multicolumn bugs such that they work properly, then
get the dialog to work before extending the multirow feature anymore,
and introducing more ui in the table dialog, which probably won't work
as you want.

There is plenty of time to add such a relatively small feature later.


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