On 01/11/2010 03:10, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Am 01.11.2010 02:19, schrieb Vincent van Ravesteijn:

> However, you introduced a new feature, multirows, and then report bug
> #6985, #6958, #6999 and then you see that you don't like the apply
> scheme and you report bug #6998, #6997, #7001 and then also bug #7000
> for the quite related multicolumn feature.

Yes, the tabular dialog had some errors and I was responsible for some of them. With the help of Jürgen there is now only the multirow part of#6985 left. #6997 is about a general issue of the apply/OK scheme that cannot be solved (or marked as invalid) as long as Abdel responded.

Did I respond?

The problem in #6997 is not a general issue, it is just a problem with the table dialog because we don't read the full table parameters each time we move. So that is a bug and it is fixable. But as Juergen said elsewhere this is difficult to solve because the table parameters are difficult to localize, unlike InsetParms based dialog for example.


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