On 05/10/2011 01:20 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Richard Heck wrote:
>> I want to know which bugs have been fixed already in trunk but not yet
>> in branch, and I want some way also to mark which of these are eligible
>> for branch and which are not. This seems like a useful thing for the
>> branch maintainer to know, and what I really want is to have it on my
>> trac "home" page (HomeRGH, stolen and modified from yours), so I can see
>> the status of such things at a glance.
> So the list here is not sufficient?
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome#Unresolvedbugstargettedtonextmaintenancerelease2.0.1
> (this is what I used)
That's good, but few of those are fixed in trunk. I want to know what
bugs are fixedintrunk but not yet fixedinbranch. I.e., which ones do I
need to consider asking (reminding, urging) someone to backport?

What's also motivating this is this idea of a "branch testing" branch.
Suppose someone fixes some nasty bug, one we really want fixed in
branch, but that involves potentially dangerous code. So I want to put
that in the branch testing branch for a while, maybe a good long while.
So it's milestone gets set to 2.0.x, and it's fixedintrunk, but not
fixedinbranch. Granted, the fixedinbranch bugs SHOULD have a different
milestone, but....


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