On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 10:14:29PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bj&resh;nnes wrote:
> | One question: is the user interface (e.g. location of items on the
> | pulldown menus, etc.) likely to be stable now, or will there be more
> | changes in the relatively near future? This will affect my enthusiasm to
> | do the changes sooner rather than later.
> I think they are pretty stable now.

I don't like few things in the new menu:

1. The File->Insert should be removed, and its items moved to the Insert menu
(maybe putting the items "LyX Document", "Ascii as lines" and "Ascii as
paragraphs" in a submenu.

2. Perhaps the menu item "Insert->Math panel" should be moved to different

3. The navigate->error and navigate->note should appear after the TOC
or moved to a different menu (the reason for this is that they add two
key-presses when you use the select an item from the TOC with the keyboard).

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