Op 20-3-2012 1:01, Uwe Stöhr schreef:
Am 19.03.2012 10:00, schrieb Vincent van Ravesteijn:

Why did you change this ?
IMHO the description is incomplete and not easier.

What is incomplete?
I changed it because it didn't work anymore. With Qt 4.8 things have changed and Peter did a good job with the script so that the former manual settings are now automatically set.

It still worked perfectly for me. What didn't work anymore ? Which settings had to be set manually which are now set automatically ?

At some point you say "where you copied the dependencies to". I have no idea what you mean with this.

It suddenly requires CMakeScript

This is the official CMake release plus a script that is provided directly by Peter. So we have the maintainer in our team.

I'm not sure whether Peter is still in our team.

If you were a CMake expert, ok. But if there is a CMake problem, you come to the list and ask others to fix it. Now suddenly you promote tools which are only used by yourself. No other developer have ever heard of CMakeScript before, let alone about Ninja. You nowhere even explains what Ninja is ? What it does ? And it's strange to enable this by default. I guess this has something to do with a merged build, but this oftenly gets broken and needs repairing. I don't believe you know what to do if a merged build fails ? I find it strange to officially recommend a workflow by using tools that the developers themselves have not heard about.

, it doesn't generate a Visual studio file,

Have you tried it? It generates studio files and solutions for debugging too.

No, but you don't mention it at all in the file. I'm afraid that this will generate a merged build by default which is rather useless to use in MSVC.

it doesn't download the dependencies automatically.

Not true, it downloads them by default, please try.

Why do you then have to manually supply the path to the dependencies ? The previous workflow did this automatically.

And instead of
changing the options in the CMake GUI you suddenly prefer to modify a batch file. This means that
people won't see the options that can be changed by a single mouseclick.

If you are a CMake expert you don't need to use the script (especially you was opposed to it), but for new developers and people like me who are not familiar with CMake, the script is a huge progress. It also allows you to compile master and branch parallel without resetting several CMake options. Now you only need to set 3 folders in the script one time and that is it; no further change is necessary.

In what way do you have to be a CMake expert to use the GUI ? Start the gui, browse to the correct folder, and check some options. What is difficult ? CMake searched for Qt, so if it could find it, there was no need to supply it manually. The GNUWin32 directory was set automatically. So, you prefer to do this all manually ?

Why wouldn't the CMake GUI allow you to compile master and branch parallel ? It doesn't make sense that you would want to compile both with the same settings.

You should have discussed this before changing it completely.

Sure, ashes on me. I had some discussions with Peter and getting Qt 4.8 took me several hours

Why would getting Qt 4.8 takes you several hours ? You must have been doing something wrong. Apparently your discussions are in private, fine with me. But that's not a good reason to change things without notiying anyone else.

so that I originally would only have changed the Qt part.

I really have no clue what changed about the Qt part. Other than that you can download precompiled binaries since Qt 4.8. This only makes it easier me thinks.


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