Op 6-12-2012 17:23, Bruno schreef:

I had been using latex for a while but I switched to lyx
because of its interesting features.
Being able to see mathematical expressions you write is
really practical.
And I had an idea which could I think make it even much faster
and user-friendly.
Now, to write a title you have either to click on the right menu
or  to enter the shortcut (which you have to learn). What I propose
  is that when you enter a backslash,
with after for exemple title (\title) you can automatically begin to
write a title.
Then to save even more time it could be coupled to an autocompletion

With this you could save time because you dont' have to use your mouse.
If you already know latex, there is nothing more to learn, so switching
to lyx is painless.
And there would be a unified way to access to many functionalities.
In fact it would use the advantages of the traditional latex writers
and of lyx in one program.

What do you think of that?

It would be rather frustrating to not be able to type a backslash without having to quit the autocompletion or to suddenly end up writing the title.

Personally, the Alt+P shortcut to select a layout is the shortcut I use most and is not so difficult to learn (I hope).


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