On 06/12/12 22:20, bruno rigal wrote:
> There is the same problem with the backslash in conventional latex and
> there is a command for that: \textbackslash. 
> Then there are some stuff that I couldn't do with alt P. For exemple
> inserting numbered equations (which I do a lot as a physicist).
> And last but not least it is really natural for a latex user. Then maybe
> putting it by default wouldn't be a that good idea.

As I'm seeing it, LyX is targeted more to inexperienced LaTeX users, as
it makes far easier for them to write a document. Frankly, those who
have been writing in LaTeX for years to whom I showed LyX, simply didn't
switch to LyX, and kept writing stuff in LaTeX, as it's much faster for
them, and they already know how to do everything they need.
Also, if one needs specific LaTeX code, it may not be supported by LyX
through its GUI and features at all, and in the end the ERT may be the
only option left.

I use quite often LyX to "learn" what is the LaTeX sequence needed to
put in the document something that I can conveniently pick from a
toolbar or menu with a mouse, in LyX.
I really like the fact that, in LyX, you type a symbol and you get it in
the document. No hassle in that backslashes, braces, or underscores may
cause your document to "not compile". Actually, "compilation" is almost
hidden and a user can focus on its own task: writing, as opposed to
learning escape sequencing, learning what the heck those error messages
output by the compiler mean, figuring out where was the missing '$' or
'}' or '&' that caused the document not to compile, smashing your head
against the pain of converting the figures to the right format needed to
compile this (dvips) or that (pdflatex) way...

IMHO, this feature request by Bruno can be translated into:

1) giving the possibility to directly type into the "LaTeX Source" pane;
whatever is added could be fed back to LyX automatically calling the
"import from latex" feature, or something like that; however, when
exactly to call it ? and, what if the user types incorrect code ?
perhaps, importing after a typing break of 1-2 secs, if it fails, keep
waiting, till something meaningful is entered ?

-) introducing a shortcut sequence (Ctrl+\) that basically activates the
same feature that we already have in math mode when typing \, with the
support of the non-math sequences.

Guess these might be added to a "feature enhancement request" ticket.

However, [Alt+P 3] is much faster to type than \subsubsection{...} :-).

My 2 cents,


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