Am Samstag, 9. November 2013 um 10:31:32, schrieb Tommaso Cucinotta 
> On 09/11/13 09:56, Kornel Benko wrote:
> >> This server seems to work.
> > 
> > Correction: It does not work. Probably my xmpp implementation in pidgin is 
> > not actual.
> > I get the welcome message, but later I see the error
> >     'bad namespace prefix'
> > Googling did not enlighten me. I did not found any dialog button in pidgin 
> > to enter
> > any prefix at all.
> Actually, I've seen this message with *other* servers, NOT, and 
> I've seen
> it only when trying to *create* the new account.
> In this case, if you're using the account lyxtestuser, please, ensure the 
> bottom
> "create new account on server" checkbox is *unchecked*, and you should login
> without problems. I just checked again both with Pidgin and LyX, and they 
> connect
> without issues (?!?)
>       T.

I can see you. Also in lyx.


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