Hi Vincent,

On 03/02/14 06:52, Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi
<percy.camilo...@gmail.com <mailto:percy.camilo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear LyX developers, I'm Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi, I
    contribute to KDE-Edu[1] (mainly to math applications) and, of
    course I'm a enthusiastic LyX user too.

    I would like to request your advice and help: Currently our math
    applications lacks a good (LaTeX based) WYSIWYG editor for math
    expressions, I think this feature is a must for our users, however
    the only good implementation I know is in LyX. Our goal is to have a
    library (C++/Qt based) that can provide us with that functionality,
    so many KDE-Edu (and even KDE) applications can use it.

    In order to do that, I would like to know:

    What chances we have to reuse your code?
    Which parts of LyX code are relevant for this feature?
    How hard do you think (in terms of knowledge, time) can be this? We
    are currently 2 developers for this task.

    A quick view to the LyX code tells me that src/mathed and
    src/frontends/ is where we need to focus, but I'm sure you can give
    us  more insights about how to achieve this goal, we are new with
    LyX code, so any advice will help us. Also, we are fine with LyX
    license, since KDE applications are free software too.

    Percy (aucahuasi)

    [1] http://edu.kde.org/

Hi Percy,
I'm afraid it will be a very difficult task to extract this part of the
code and to convert it into a reusable library.
You might have thought that LyX is a Qt-app and, thus, it would be easy
to extract the equation as a Qt-component. However, the whole inset
machinery is not (yet) based on Qt.

I'm aware of that, yes this is difficult task, but we can try it: at least we would like to read any technical advice/documentation available. Also, if inset module is Qt-based, then do you think this task would be more easy?

Thanks for your feedback,

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