Hi Georg,

On 04/02/14 14:58, Georg Baum wrote:
Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi <
percy.camilo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear LyX developers, I'm Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi, I contribute to
KDE-Edu[1] (mainly to math applications) and, of course I'm a
enthusiastic LyX user too.

I would like to request your advice and help: Currently our math
applications lacks a good (LaTeX based) WYSIWYG editor for math
expressions, I think this feature is a must for our users, however the
only good implementation I know is in LyX. Our goal is to have a library
(C++/Qt based) that can provide us with that functionality, so many
KDE-Edu (and even KDE) applications can use it.

I think this would be evry useful indeed.

In order to do that, I would like to know:

What chances we have to reuse your code?
Which parts of LyX code are relevant for this feature?

In addition to what you found out: The Inset base class in src/insets, the
cursor/dociterator stuff from src, and some non-code stuff in lib/images,
lib/fonts and the symbols list in lib/symbols. Also there is not very much
in frontent hich is needed by mathed, most dialogs are.

Thanks, the goal of my message was to get this kind of feedback ;)

How hard do you think (in terms of knowledge, time) can be this? We are
currently 2 developers for this task.

A quick view to the LyX code tells me that src/mathed and src/frontends/
is where we need to focus, but I'm sure you can give us  more insights
about how to achieve this goal, we are new with LyX code, so any advice
will help us. Also, we are fine with LyX license, since KDE applications
are free software too.

Percy (aucahuasi)

[1] http://edu.kde.org/

Hi Percy,
I'm afraid it will be a very difficult task to extract this part of the
code and to convert it into a reusable library.

You might have thought that LyX is a Qt-app and, thus, it would be easy
extract the equation as a Qt-component. However, the whole inset
is not (yet) based on Qt.

I'd say it depends on what exactly you'd want to do. I agree that a clean,
reusable library, that ideally would be shared between LyX and KDE apps, is
a very challenging task. However, if you'd be able to make some
compromises, it does not look too bad IMHO. I guess that making a fork and
then ripping off everything which is not needed would be doable. However,
I'd remove math macros as well, since they are quite complicated and the
part of mathed which interacts the most with the buffer. Also, note that
text inside math is a weak point of the math editor.

Good, yes I think math macros is not needed. You mention we can made some compromises, in principle, the idea would be have all features from math toolbar and math panel toolbar. However, do you know a better set of categories to refine this compromises? or, can you suggest us the basic sequence for our possible iterations (e.g. which features should we tackle first; and so on)?

Thanks again,


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