On 2014-02-10, Georg Baum wrote:
> Guenter Milde wrote:

>> On 2014-02-09, Georg Baum wrote:
>>> Rainer M Krug wrote:
>>>> On 02/07/14, 10:49 , Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:

>>> One feature where additional metadata would
>>> definitely help are branches.

>> Not necessarily: With use the "comment" package, that not only provides
>> comments, but also branches (as named comment environments)
>> http://www.ctan.org/pkg/comment
>> all branches could be exported to the LaTeX file and the selection of
>> active branches done in the preamble.

> Sure. In a more general sense this would be metadata as well: It would not 
> be used by LaTeX, but preserve LyX stuff through roundtrip.

>> This feature should be customizable, because sometimes you don't want
>> disabled branches in an exported file.

>> On the LaTeX->LyX route, the use of the comment package and custom (named)
>> comment environments should translate to LyX branches.

> Yes, this would be one method to transport metadata through LaTeX which does 
> not need an additional file. It could probably be used for other stuff 
> besides branches or notes as well. When this project is started it needs 
> probably a thorough investigation whether an additional file or special 
> comments are preferrable.

My point was somewhat different: The "comment" package is a LaTeX equivalent
to LyX's "branches". "Semantic" export means that we use this feature to get
all the data into the LaTeX file instead of "solving" the active/inactive
state during export.

This is similar to either hard-printing chapter/section/... numbers in the
LaTeX file or using the auto-numbering LaTeX commands
(i.e. \section*{0.1 my beer}  vs. \section{my beer}).


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