Dekel Tsur wrote:

> > Please note that it is not possible to go to one of these errors in LyX - you
> > have to read the latex output!
> I don't have this problem.
> Can you send your latex log file ?

Ah, meanwhile I found out that the errors are listed in the document! But menu
item "Navigate/Error" and CTRL-G are disabled! 

> > And finally, I would like to express my disappointment about the poor support
> > of pdflatex! Normally, pdflatex should provide nice features such as document
> > structuring (click on an entry in the toc and jump directly to corresponding
> > page). However, in order to activate them, you need to add a few lines in the
> > latex code that are specific to pdflatex.
> We do plan to do this.

I noticed that Chapter of Extended.lyx shows some of the settings that
I also mentioned in my previous email. If it is possible to distinguish between
pdflatex and latex, why not letting LyX include a similar preamble in the latex
output (of course, LyX doesn't know the author's name but at least packages
'hyperref', 'ae' and 'thumbpdf' can be used). It's nice that you have made a
comprehensive documentation but if it can included automatically by LyX ... ?


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