On Monday 22 January 2001 15:06, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> Actually, we want to support bibtopic which is more general (and perhaps
> also bibunits as bibtopic doesn't allow having per chapter _and_ global
> bibliographies).
> I've already started adding bibtopic support.

Fair enough.

> Angus, can you create a FormBibtex (and also separate InsetBibtex from 
> insetbib.C) ?
> The new FormBibtex should have in addition to the database & style fields,
> the following fields:
> Title  - text input
> Title level - choice input: chapter, section, subsection

Dekel, you'll have to tell me more. What information should be contained in 

Currently, the LaTeX output is:

        os << "\\bibliographystyle{" << style << "}\n"
           << "\\bibliography{" << db_out << "}\n";

where style is the appropriate bibtex style file and db_out is a comma 
separated list of bibtex databases.

What are you proposing (for the LaTeX specifically, but all other info would 
be good)?

InsetBibtex is currently derived from InsetCommand. Should this change? I'm 
inclined to think that it isn't an InsetCommand, but rather, it contains 2 

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