I feel your pain Richard, I really do. Unfortunately, I am in a phase of my
academic life in which everything is on the "production" branch, so testing
of Lyx RC's for my documents was a big no-no. Couldn't risk loosing time.
So, sad as it seems, I only noticed these changes after Ubuntu asked me if
I would like to update Lyx to 2.1. :(

BTW, now I understand what Jurgen meant by "no need" to indent the
paragraph after a frame title for the text to remain within the "Frame". I
thought that by saying it was a "Frame" environment, the text would not
behave as a standard indented standard environment. My mistake.
Nevertheless, indentation gives a clear idea that this text belongs to this
"Frame". Anyways, as I continuously use "Theorems" (and derivatives), I
usually found myself indenting these environments into a "Frame", so
indenting standard text is kind of a natural extension for me.

Thanks for the hard work dudes. I will go back to my never-ending stream of
Beamer slides... ;)

Julio Rojas

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:

> On 05/08/2014 02:51 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> Julio Rojas wrote:
>>> Maybe for beginners it wouldn't be a bad idea. Alt-P Shift-Return is
>>> faster
>>> for experienced users, though.
>> No, this was not intended for beginners. The need of individual separator
>> makes the document
>> more fragile and more cumbersome in 90% of cases.
>> Fragile because it's easy to forget. Cumbersome because you need to
>> insert new
>> environment on places where information about new frame was enough.
>> Changing
>> some document into beamer used to be breeze for me - if you want it fast
>> just go
>> through document and turn sections into frames, delete some pargraphs and
>> you are
>> done. Now you have to insert mostly superficial separator and care about
>> nesting. Doable but steals time.
> No offense to anyone, but if I were Jurgen, I'd be thinking: These are all
> great
> suggestions, but how long was this in master? How long did people have to
> test it after alpha1?
> That said, it would be great if those of us who use Beamer extensively
> could
> come up with some concrete ideas about how the UI should work. Jurgen did
> the hard work. This should just be tweaking, though perhaps the absolutely
> best version involves something like a new layout tag. If so, then that is
> also
> doable.
> Richard

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