On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 03:13:53PM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:
> That said, it would be great if those of us who use Beamer extensively could
> come up with some concrete ideas about how the UI should work. Jurgen did
> the hard work. This should just be tweaking, though perhaps the absolutely
> best version involves something like a new layout tag. If so, then
> that is also
> doable.

I am not a beamer user, but I think that what scares others is the fact
that they were used to a certain workflow. Maybe restoring that workflow
would help. For example, what about a new "Container" property for a
layout? A layout with that property would behave much like "Standard",
in the sense that every new layout gets automatically nested and the
only way to escape is breaking the environment by Alt+P+Return.
This last shortcut should also be made "easier" by changing it
to Shift+Return, IMHO.


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