Am 27.12.2014 um 05:26 schrieb Richard Heck <>:

> On 12/26/2014 06:45 PM, Christopher Menzel wrote:
>> LyX folk:
>> I have a couple of questions concerning LyX on the new 5k iMac.
>> 1. Stephan Witt had noted some time ago that Retina support was in 
>> development for LyX. Does anyone have a reasonable sense of the ETA for such 
>> support in an OS X binary?
> I think this exists in the development branch., but Stephan knows for sure.

The development branch basically has retina support. 
The unsolved issues regarding HiDPI screens are:
1. The required Qt5-frameworks have some bugs on the Mac platform which 
one may see as show stoppers. (See:
2. The icons for LyX are not ready for high resolution displays.

I'd like to discuss the chances to make this productive somehow.
I can spend some time to work on the icon issue. And I'll follow
the changes of the Qt5-frameworks (Qt5.4.0 is available now).

Is it possible to make a 2.2 release in a foreseeable future?
Or would it be possible to do a back port of Qt5- and Retina-support to 2.1.x?
What's LyX behavior on other platforms regarding HiDPI screens?

Best wishes for a happy New Year to all.

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