On 2015-11-17, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am 17. November 2015 um 13:24:12, schrieb Guenter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net>

>> > we have now 107 failed testcases left.

>> > 737:export/doc/es/EmbeddedObjects_dvi3_texF
>> > 742:export/doc/es/EmbeddedObjects_pdf4_texF
>> > 744:export/doc/es/EmbeddedObjects_pdf5_texF

>> The (first) error is from an index entry using a non-ASCII char.

Don't know what is to be expected with indices and Xe/Lua,
maybe invert for now.

>> > 743:export/doc/es/EmbeddedObjects_pdf4_systemF

>> Missing character: There is no ^^@ in font
>> [lmroman12-regular]:mapping=tex-text

>> Uses lmodern.sty.
(8-bit font but Unicode font encoding!!!)

>> In our docs, there are actually 75 instances of

>> \usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle
>> \ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

>>  % set fonts for nicer pdf view
>>  \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{\usepackage{lmodern}}{}

>> \fi % end if pdflatex is used

>> which could be changed to

>> \usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle
>> \ifpdf % if pdflatex or lualatex or xelatex is used
>> \@ifpackageloaded{fontspec}{}{% LModern is default with fontspec
>>  % set fonts for nicer pdf view
>>  \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{\usepackage{lmodern}}{}
>> }
>> \fi % end if pdflatex or lualatex or xelatex is used

>> or even simpler

>> % avoid bitmap fonts if possible
>> \@ifpackageloaded{fontspec}{}{% LModern is default with fontspec
>>  \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{\usepackage{lmodern}}{}
>> }

>> +1 simpler

>> This would also use Latin Modern, if the output format is DVI or PDF.

>> +1 avoiding the long first compilation run caused by the bitmap font
>>    generation.
>> +1 better look.

> So should we change the preamble?

However, this might require approval by Uwe, our documentation manager.

> I did, but there are many missing glyphs ^@ .. ^K, ^L etc. 

Cannot reproduce.
Which document? With systemF or with TexF?

^@, ... ^L points to code points that are "nonprintable" in ASCII but
have printable characters in 8-bit TeX fonts.

> Which font to use?

> I tried Default, Dejavu, Free

Try Default first. With fontspec (nonTeXFonts) this is Latin Modern,
suited for most languages using the Latin script.

>> Another option would be to replace this preamble code by selecting a 
>> vector font that is required to be installed with every TeX and also
>> available in T1 font encoding, e.g. "Palatino".

> For tex-font there is only serif version called Palatino. What should be done
> for sans and mono?

The usual combi is Helvetica and Courier.

The disadvantage of this approach is, that math fonts are suboptimal (no
optical sizes).

> For non-tex I didn't find anything in ubuntu packages. How do we get some?

Unicode fonts are a seprate issue. We should agree on a freely available,
widespread font with good coverage and good look on screen.

>> Fixing this "lmodern.sty" loading (i.e. use of 8-bit fonts overwriting the
>> nonTeXFonts setting) may also cure many of the following.

>> > 809:export/doc/es/UserGuide_dvi3_texF
>> > 2964:export/examples/fr/seminar_pdf5_systemF

>> Try these again after fixing the "lmodern.sty" preamble problem.

> I did not try yet, because I could not even make
> 'export/doc/es/EmbeddedObjects_pdf4_systemF' successful.

As I already said:

>> BTW: Export with Xe/LuaTeX: EmbeddedObjects uses many packages and is
>> therefore prone to incompatiblities.

>> > 3072:export/examples/he/splash_pdf5_systemF

>> Try a system-font with Hebrew?

> Tried, to no avail. 'Ezra SIL', Droid, 'Miriam CLM'

What is the error message here?

>> > 3247:export/examples/ko/splash_dvi3_texF
>> > 3252:export/examples/ko/splash_pdf4_texF
>> > 3254:export/examples/ko/splash_pdf5_texF

>> Korean? I don't expect this to work with Xe/Lua and TeXfonts.

> This means ignore probably.

Or invert + suspend.

>> > 3343:export/examples/ru/splash_dvi3_texF
>> > 3348:export/examples/ru/splash_pdf4_texF
>> > 3350:export/examples/ru/splash_pdf5_texF
>> > 3439:export/examples/uk/splash_dvi3_texF
>> > 3444:export/examples/uk/splash_pdf4_texF
>> > 3446:export/examples/uk/splash_pdf5_texF

>> I'll see to this later.

Now I remember: Babel's Russian language definition file has the same
problem as LyX 2.0: it does not care for the combi Xe/Lua + TeX fonts: after
testing the engine, it switches to "unicode modus".

-> invert.

>> > 3559:export/templates/IEEEtran-Conference_dvi3_texF
>> > 3566:export/templates/IEEEtran-Conference_pdf5_texF
>> > 3583:export/templates/IEEEtran-TransMag_dvi3_texF
>> > 3590:export/templates/IEEEtran-TransMag_pdf5_texF

>> Wrong encoding: the "experts only" option:

>> lib/templates/IEEEtran-Conference.lyx:16:\inputencoding default

>> writes in a mix of language dependent 8-bit encodings but does not
>> load inputenc nor add the encoding switch commands with language changes.

>> This is most probably caused by importing a tex file that does not use
>> inputenc, however it is very unsafe in LyX and should be avoided.

>> Other instances:

>> lib/examples/aas_sample.lyx:18:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/Foils.lyx:16:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/noweb2lyx.lyx:24:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/amsart-test.lyx:17:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/landslide.lyx:11:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/docbook_article.lyx:11:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/sweave.lyx:26:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/simplecv.lyx:32:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/Literate.lyx:14:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/amsbook-test.lyx:17:\inputencoding default
>> lib/examples/ja/splash.lyx:11:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/kluwer.lyx:11:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/slides.lyx:20:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/attic/latex8.lyx:10:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/IEEEtran-TransMag.lyx:17:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/ACM-sigplan.lyx:12:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/aastex.lyx:16:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/IEEEtran-CompSoc.lyx:17:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/IEEEtran-Journal.lyx:16:\inputencoding default
>> lib/templates/hollywood.lyx:11:\inputencoding default
>> lib/doc/id/Intro.lyx:46:\inputencoding default

IMO, in all these documents:

- \inputencoding default
+ \inputencoding auto


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