Guenter Milde wrote:

> Both, \r{A} and \AA (rsp. \r{a} and \aa) are equivalent standard LICR
> macros
> for Aring/aring  as well as the deprecated "angstrom sign" character
> (212B).
> However, with \AA for 212B and \r{A} for 00C5, tex2lyx converts \AA to the
> deprecated "angstrom sign" which is missing in many fonts including the
> Unicode version of Latin Modern.
> See also
> ---

What we have here is a non-uniqueness in the unicode standard (U+00c5 vs. 
U+212b), and in LaTeX as well (\AA vs \r{A}).

This double non-uniqueness cannot be fixed properly by just exchanging LaTeX 
macros in lib/unicodesymbols: With the proposed patch, tex2lyx would 
translate \AA in the desired way, but it would not translate \r{A} in the 
desired way anymore.

Since lib/unicodesymbols does not really support non-unique symbols, it is 
better to add special code for \AA and \aa to tex2lyx IMHO. Then it does not 
matter anymore whether U+00c5 maps to \AA or \r{A} (but I would keep the 
current mapping, since it fits more nicely to the other symbols with rings).


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