Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 05:09:50PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
>> Am Sonntag, 3. Januar 2016 um 10:55:55, schrieb Richard Heck
>> <>
>> > On 01/03/2016 04:40 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> > > Uwe will be back in a few days. It would be nice to release beta1
>> > > soon after he is back so it would be nice to consolidate some
>> > > questions we might have for him so he has just one email that he
>> > > needs to look at. Do you have any questions for him regarding matters
>> > > that should be addressed for beta1?
>> > >
>> > > My questions for Uwe:
>> > >
>> > > 1. Would it be reasonable to build beta1 installers with both Qt
>> > > 5.5.1 and 5.6.0beta1?
>> > >
>> > > 2. Can you make the installers from *only* the tar ball (and not use
>> > > the git directory at all)?
>> > >
>> > > 3. Can you confirm that all translation updates we have received have
>> > > been merged?

Not a question but a prerequisite IMHO: The 2.2.0 release should also build 
the prerequisite from the sources Peter added, using exactly the same 
compiler as is used to build LyX.

>> > I have been committing stuff while Uwe has been away. Some also comes
>> > in for stable.
>> > 
>> > My own question:
>> > 
>> > 4. Do we also want to try releasing an installer built with mingw?
>> > (Does that build an installer? or just LyX?)

It builds just LyX. Building an installer needs a built LyX, it should not 
matter whether it was built by MSVC or mingw (except for the MSVC 
prerequisites, these are not needed to be installed for mingw builds).

IMO, we only need to release one installer. The mingw and MSVC builds behave 
exactly the same (modulo bugs). So the question is rather whether we do 
trust MSVC or mingw, and who does the build: If it is Uwe, it will be MSVC, 
otherwise it will probably be mingw.

> I don't understand how installers work for 32-bit vs 64-bit. Normally
> does our Windows installer contain both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries? Or
> we just release 32-bit and 64-bit systems are fine with it? Same for
> Mac?

So far we have never released any 64bit windows binary. This is fine, since 
64bit windows can execute 32bit binaries, and nobody complained yet about 
LyX hitting the 32bit memory limit (around 3.5 GB on windows). I would not 
switch to 64bit at this time, since this can introduce subtle bugs 
(unfortunately the 64 C++ memory model differs on linux and windows, e.g. 
long is 64bit on linux but 32bit on windows, so the fact that we have 
working 64bit linux builds does not guarantee us working windows 64bit 


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