Le 11/01/2016 18:12, Richard Heck a écrit :
On 01/11/2016 05:10 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

At some time, I convinced my self that there is as much time spent in
toolbar updates than in painting itself. The reason is (would be) that
it uses BufferParams::isExportable which does a full graph search in
converters for each icon that we might want to enable.

Surely this can be cached? It would have to be reset whenever
Preferences were updated, but that is not very often.

It should be cached indeed. I gues it should be changed every time document settings are changed too. Are there other conditions?

One easy way to test would be to have isExportable just return true.

Yes, that's my plan for later. Currently I use my poor man's profiler to measure, but I never now how precise it is.


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