Am 13. Januar 2016 01:18:12 MEZ, schrieb "Uwe Stöhr" <>:
>Am 12.01.2016 um 11:16 schrieb Peter Kümmel:
>> Yes, no Dlls any more (only the Qt related ones).
>However I get now man times this warning:
>D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2010\zconf.h(10): warning C4005: 'Z_PREFIX': 
>Makro-Neudefinition [D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2010\src\LyX.vcxproj]
>           D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2010\config.h(78): Siehe vorherige 
>Definition von 'Z_PREFIX'
>Can we do something against this (MSVC 2010)?
>>> thanks and regards
>>> Uwe

It is a warning only committed from me today to fix a linker error. You tried 
it with msvc 2010? And it worked?

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