On 01/19/2016 05:28 AM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 01/18/2016 08:30 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Hi Georg,

you added a new module "paralist". What is this for? Do you have a documentation how to use this module? I would like to have at least a small example files in our examples folder. This assures that the module will be usable in future (e.g. at least before a new release all examples files are compiled and possible regressions will this way become visible).
If you like, we can also link it to the special files in the Help menu.

If you don't have a documentation or no time, please give me a pointer to create this.

Can this be used with enumitem? I'm guessing maybe not. And if not, then we should put an exclusion into the module.

The answer seems to come in parts:

(1) The enumitem and paralist packages CAN be used together, but paralist MUST be loaded before enumitem [1]. We do not have any way to ensure that, however. It might therefore be better not to allow them to be used together.

(2) As of version 3.0, which has been out since 2011, inline lists, which are the main purpose of paralist, can be used in enumitem, as well. You have to give the package option "inline". The inline lists themselves are then starred versions of the usual lists. Possibly, we should add this behavior to enumitem. Then the exclusion of paralist won't matter so much.


[1] http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/162799/compilation-error-when-including-enumitem-and-paralist-packages

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