On 27/03/2016 11:00 p.m., Georg Baum wrote:
Andrew Parsloe wrote:

I notice (in 2.2 beta2 on windows7) on typing LyX, TeX, LaTeX, LaTeX2e,
that these strings are *not* converted to the logos. Nor does saving,
closing and reopening the document convert them to the logos, nor do
they display as logos in the pdf.

However, if I export to 2.1 format and then reload that document in 2.2
beta2, they *are* converted to the logos.

Something has been overlooked here.
Unfortunately this has not been overlooked, but a correct implementation of
the 2.2->2.1 conversion in lyx2lyx would be very hard to achieve. Our policy
for lyx2lyx is that all forward conversions have to work in all cases, but
backward conversions are only guaranteed to produce a valid file format,
they may change the document output. We try to implement the backward
conversions correctly if possible, but in this case it is really difficult:

The logic of the automatic logo translation in LyX 2.1 and older is
horrible. To replicate it in lyx2lyx we would need to implement a complete
layout file parser in lyx2lyx, because it depends on layout properties. For
the forward conversion we did not do that and let LyX do part of the work
(via the new \SpecialCharNoPassThru keyword). For the backward conversion we
cannot invent new keywords.

I realize that this behaviour is a problem if you do 2.1->2.2->2.1
roundtrips, but I fear we cannot do much besides mentioning it in the
release notes. You can also consider this a part of the buggy logo handling
in LyX 2.1 (http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/4752) if you like.

Thank you for the explanation. The real awkwardness is if one is writing documentation around LyX/LaTeX. It's far more convenient to simply type the names, which get mentioned multiple times, and have them converted automatically than having to insert the logos from a menu. But there are ways around that (shortcuts). For myself, I find the logos ugly (LaTeX2e being the worst of the four) and am perfectly happy with the typed names. The problem was with a 2.1 document opened in 2.2 where I found myself with a mix of logos, from 2.1, and typed names (2.2) but found I could resolve it by means of the 2.2->2.1->2.2 route.


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