Am 14.04.2016 um 19:28 schrieb Guillaume Munch <>:
> Le 14/04/2016 18:10, Stephan Witt a écrit :
>> Am 14.04.2016 um 18:18 schrieb Joel Kulesza <>:
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Guillaume Munch <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Can you please try the attached patch?
>>> That patch seemed to work to correct the issue in both places (see
>>> attached). The font seems small (I'm not sure if that's perception
>>> or reality).  Regardless, it is fixed width.  Thank you! <Screen
>>> Shot 2016-04-14 at 12.18.34 PM.png>
>> Good idea. I can confirm this. Though some refactoring should be
>> done, IMO. See the attached patch. This allows some consistent
>> tweaking of font site too.
>> Stephan
> Thanks for your patch. Then it should probably more be as the attached.

Yes, Qt < 5.2 doesn’t have the QFontDatabase::systemFont etc.

While googling I found this (and adapted it) for Mac:

static bool isFixedPitch(const QFont & font) {
        const QFontInfo fi(font);
        return fi.fixedPitch();

QFont const GuiApplication::typewriterSystemFont()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200
        QFont font = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont);
        QFont font("monospace");
        if (!isFixedPitch(font)) {
                if (!isFixedPitch(font)) {
                        if (!isFixedPitch(font)) font.setFamily("courier");
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
        return font;

> The font size of 12 appears too big here.

I couldn’t come up with a solution to configure Qt system settings on Mac.
I already searched for something like that to solve the cursor thickness 
issue (should be configurable too) and failed.

> I'm more thinking of a local
> configuration issue. I do not recommend keeping this font size line.

Yes, probably better.


> <0001-Fix-monospace-fonts-on-Mac.patch>

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