> We should already be on 2.2 and not on master, which is the future: 2.3

Yes, that was also my proposal.

However, people appear to be afraid to not have the 2.2.0 tag in master.

But note that if the 2.2-branch in this scenario is merged back into master
after the release, it is equivalent to merging 2.3-staging to master in the
current proposal. In both ways the tag ends up in master, and there is not
a real difference between merging A into B anhd  merging B into A.

2.2.1-staging is not necessary as all changes are so important that they
can probably go to 2.2.0 as well. Changes for 2.2.2 can be cherry-picked
from 2.3-staging (or master) when 2.1.1 is released.


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