Le 20/04/2016 22:44, mn a écrit :
On 20.04.16 21:22, Guenter Milde wrote:

This is on Mac, 10.10, LyX-rc1

Is this a known bug;
I couldn't find it on trac?

Steps to reproduce:
– launch LyX
– enter some characters
– start new line
– switch OS input-method to “Greek Polytonic”
– enter some glyphs
– at the end of that string, hold down shift and select the Greek
– open context-menu, try to select ancient greek for that string

I forgot to mention that this works as expected,
when source-view is _not_ open.

So to reproduce this View>Soucre Pane has to be enabled.

I don't think it is known. (Althoug we know that Greek can be a pain...)

I don't get it even with source pane open (LyX 2.2.0dev).

* is this only for ancient Greek or also for polytonic/monotonic Greek?

* is this only with Greek letters?

I tried switching languages around in the same way using latin scripts
exclusively and also mixed with Hebrew while source pane is open.
Seems robust.

Indeed, the above happens also with (modern) “Greek” as input-source.
(AFAIK OS X only offers modern and polytonic)

Notice that I used ancient Greek in a document produced with rc1
successfully with the Greek text appearing further down in the body text
and only marking it late as such before running a preview.

Can you please send a minimal document to reproduce your issue?

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