On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 01:30:25AM +0200, mn wrote:
> On 21.04.16 00:21, Guillaume Munch wrote:
> > Le 20/04/2016 22:44, mn a écrit :
> >> On 20.04.16 21:22, Guenter Milde wrote:
> >>
> >>>>> This is on Mac, 10.10, LyX-rc1
> >>>>> Steps to reproduce:
> >>>>> – launch LyX
> >>>>> – enter some characters
> >>>>> – start new line
> >>>>> – switch OS input-method to “Greek Polytonic”
> >>>>> – enter some glyphs
> >>>>> – at the end of that string, hold down shift and select the Greek
> >>>>> – open context-menu, try to select ancient greek for that string
> >>>
> >>>> I forgot to mention that this works as expected,
> >>>> when source-view is _not_ open.
> >>>
> >>>> So to reproduce this View>Soucre Pane has to be enabled.
> >>>
> >>> I don't think it is known. (Althoug we know that Greek can be a pain...)
> >>> I don't get it even with source pane open (LyX 2.2.0dev).
> >>>
> >>> * is this only for ancient Greek or also for polytonic/monotonic Greek?
> >>>
> >>> * is this only with Greek letters?
> >>
> >> I tried switching languages around in the same way using latin scripts
> >> exclusively and also mixed with Hebrew while source pane is open.
> >> Seems robust.
> >>
> >> Indeed, the above happens also with (modern) “Greek” as input-source.
> >> (AFAIK OS X only offers modern and polytonic)
> >>
> >> Notice that I used ancient Greek in a document produced with rc1
> >> successfully with the Greek text appearing further down in the body text
> >> and only marking it late as such before running a preview.
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Can you please send a minimal document to reproduce your issue?
> See the attached file.
> Here, it is impossible to produce it in a straight forward way, i.e. by
> just entering these letters and then marking the Greek text as such –
> with source view open.
> (You can arrive there by reducing a longer file to this state or by
> keeping source view closed.)

> Now, in this document, opening the source pane also crashes LyX.

Thanks for the example.

So to confirm, if you just open the document you attached and go to
View > Source, you get the crash?

I cannot reproduce.


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